Thursday, April 13, 2006
~ 8:14 PM ~
BMT (Basic Military Trainning) shall kick off next week which mean time for rest and do what we want will be minimize and It'll shall be hell lot of physical work to do. While in army, each time when you goes to gym, swimming or a slow jog, you'll have to do some sretching exercise. It's ridiculous! It's just waste of time, why not might as well just get the ball rolling?
While serving in the army, weekend is the most precious time to those who work for the government, when committed a minor mistakes such as you sign a book that touches outside the box or drop your rifle unintentionally, the Sergeant might just reward you a confinement or guard duty which holds you back during weekend whilst your platoon mates get to book out and rest.
Having a rough test on the 5 station last week which everyone does it during secondary school, there are "Sit-up", "Chin up", "Shuttle Run", "Standing Board Jump" & "2.4km run", my weakest station was 2.4km, I just can't run, halfway through out the destination, I got exhausted just like a dog sticking out its tongue. How am I going to be a sergeant in future when I train my men. I got no problem of the rest of the station but just the 2.4km which I'm not very good in. Although I just got a pass for the test but I hate myself for not achieving at least a Silver likewise a Gold.
Ronald, I just wants to say that you are a sociable and caring buddy, when the wooden square fell off from your bed and critically hit my toe, you react shocking and approach instantly to my aid, and when the blood flow out from it, you quickly grab a tissue and a plaster to sticks onto my toe. Ronald, thank you! :-)
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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