Friday, October 17, 2014
~ 9:02 PM ~
Good day Everybody! I've decided to return to blogging after a couple of years absence, to pour out my harsh feelings here.
2012 was my last seen here! Till now, many things had happened throughout these years and it had been never easy!
Let me summary a couple of things, I joined a new company in 3/4 in the year 2012 introduced by a friend of mine. It's a cleaning business providing dish washer to restaurant. Basically, it's a sub-contractor doing general cleaning such as disposal of rubbish and make sure the entire kitchen is cleaned. Not too bad, I learned quite a lot in this company regarding of business, preparing proposal, meeting with restaurant operating manager and understanding their procedure.
I even tagged along with my employer to have an appointment with the PWD (Person with disabilities), offering themselves a position to work as dish washer and earn some income.
Then fast forward to the disaster year of 2013. My grandmother passed away on May due to some illness.
My beloved best friend passed away exactly a year ago. Sorry to mislead, the best friend whom I referred to is my dog. She was with me in the year of 2005, given to us after my brother relationship with his ex-girlfriend became fragile. Since then, we have been taking care of her and also regarded her as one of our family. I love her a lot, pampering her and enjoy hugging her when I returned home from work.
Her name is 'Kiki', according to the veterinarian. She suffered from kidney failure and is lacked of white blood cell. I brought her to the vet with the help from my friend vehicle, I remembered so clearly that she was shivering, her eyes could barely opened.
I was feeling despaired, do not know what to do and could not accept it upon hearing the news that her life is at risk. I dumped in all the money I have in my account and with a little assistance from my family, she was warded in the vet for a week.
After a week has passed, The veterinarian mentioned that she has to be put to sleep due to her recovery is unable to progress. Even though I reluctantly to let her go, to ease her suffering is the only way to accept the fate.
There was this saying goes, 'Losing a dog is just like losing a family member.'
When she's gone. The memory of her in my place begin to linger on my mind, my room she has went in, my bed she has slept on and the toys she has played with.
Thank you Kiki for the 8 years of companion. 2005 to 2013.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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Specially To.