Sunday, November 02, 2014
~ 6:44 PM ~
Good day to all my readers!
Just a recap of what I've learned when I attended a seminar about the End Times. I became increasingly interested of this topic.
I have been attending this seminar for a couple of weeks now and it's seriously getting interesting.
The speaker asked, "How many of you believe that the world will end?" Most of us raised our hands which includes me.
The speaker then continue, "Many people do not believe that the world will end, They believe that the world will go on and on forever." Which I kind of agreed to what he say.
He show us the prophecy of the bible which is happening now. For example, wars and rumors of wars such as Russia & Ukraine, conflict in the middle east and rumors of wars such as North Korea. One point which he emphasis of the earthquake.
He says, "Earthquake is happening everyday until the reporter doesn't want to report anymore." He also included of the famine and the virus which has no cure such as Ebola.
He pin pointed of 1 terms which is very interested. "In the past when you wanted to research something, you go to the library but now of the technology, Internet is now your library."
Will post on more updates when I attend the next seminar this weekend. Signing off!