Monday, January 16, 2006
~ 8:59 AM ~
Basically after I graduated from secondary school nearly 3 years back in 2003, I set a goal ahead of me which my dreams is to become a Movies Director, although it sounds unrealistic to achieve at this age but I still determine to battle through. Don't really know how to make a start to the process of that stage, so I begin enquiry and seek for advise, after several weeks, a friend of my sister who proclaim that he was from a school which offer multimedia, video shooting and film-making, I was so deeply impress by him, he graduated from that school. Wow, its sound so cool, he told me that the school is "Lasalle.sia College of the arts. And a year later, I begin my journey there and apply to be their student at that institue.
I failed in my 1st attempt of interviewing by interviewer claiming that my artwork isn't their standard, doesn't suit their type of juice. So they rejected me and giving me a second chance to prove myself, so i did. I draw a better one and prove them wrong and after the second interview, I got accepted. That was really a dreams come true for me, really thanks Paul from Alive Community Church who pray for me and aided me in my fight against obstacle, he was so encouraging. I'll never ever forget you!
After I had been accepted, I attend the school orientation on 5th July 2004 if i remember correctly, everything went on smooth, I was so nervous as I was surrounded by so many different type of faces and most of them is older than me. But the most saddest things is, no one approach me to be friend, I am very sad as I look around me, people get to know one another by shaking hand, talk and laugh at the same time. People only approach me when I approach them, how sad to have this situation happen to me. Maybe I dont look approachable, look stern and doesn't have a friendly type of look.
Although it is over for quite some time, but when you turn back and think of it, it is really hurtful memories instead of a sweet one. Now, I really dont know what is the future is going to hold, I can only move one step and look one time. Be it a good or bad want, I must learn to accept and face it.
And after I was dropped out of Lasalle.sia not long, God did actually plan something for me, during the mid of 2005, my mother friend who was an extras in both Mediacorp & Raintree picture approached me and ask me whether am I interested in doing filming for the company and I agree without any hestiation. During the filming, I get to experience the system and process of everything, and the first time I did was act as a cop in chinese drama called "Missing 20 days" which is yet to be broadcast. The experience was great even thought I play a small role there, I never demand much, have a chance to act in the show, I feel contend already.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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