Tuesday, December 19, 2006
~ 8:17 PM ~
I have touch down S'pore this morning and I was filled with refreshment of the air and scenery. Unlike in brunei, it's totally sickening me, the jungle is more than the land by 70%, a muslim country with approximately of 300 000 population.
The trip duration is from 3rd dec - 20th dec 2006, 17 days train and sleep in jungle, the feeling truly sucks but I do not have a choice. One good thing is that brunei has little mosquito but mostly sand flies, it bit you till multiple red spot on your body.
Days by days keep passing, all of us were constantly counting down and can't wait till everything is over and now..... IT HAS OVER!
Seriously speaking, days that we spent there is bitter, suffering not to mention. We ate combat ration (for those in army should know how does a combat ration taste like), biscuits, packet noodles and many more tastless food. Can't eat and sleep properly. It would be a great benefit for the fat people, they could diet easily.
I guess my lovely girlfriend has been missing me a lot cause I sneeze plenty of times while in the jungle. Haha!
Anyway, time truly flies, brunei tough trainning has over! By the time I return to camp, it's nearly January! almost a year soldier and what have I learnt? Discipline??? perhaps it hadn't....