Friday, February 03, 2006
~ 12:19 PM ~
Many times when riding bike along some unfamiliar places I feel scare, but I do like this kind of feeling as it could boost my resistance against fear and also gain some wisdom in S'pore road. But what I wanted to say is, there are a couple of times when a taxi or even a lorry nearly hit me from behind when I lane change and forget to change blind spot, some vehicles even nearly touch my bike tail just because I was under P-Plate? Always being bullied on the road. But God always do wonder in my life is just that I don't feel it only, If God were to bring me back to His kingdom now, I would have been killed long time ago and I believe I would die sooner or later it's just the matter of time only as I'm not faithful to Him.
But also good la, die early the better as I don't even had the chance to experience earthly love from girls. Give me a temporary one I also happy, in life I would like to try and experience everything. In the past, always I love people but they never do the same thing to me. Make use of me then got, always treated unfairly. Some girls even approach me by themselves then trying to get close with me, seek the opportunity to break up with me for another guy and make me want to fight with the fellow. But I never as I think it's quite silly to do that, always have the evil temptation.
After decided to leave my present Church, I'll lead again to my old path which I join Catholic somewhere in late 2004. Perhaps this time I go solo, worship God alone and read the bible, I prefer this lifestyle perhaps?
I do love my Brother & Sister in Christ a lot, nearly uncountable. Each time I hear people from DI or wherever say he/she wants to leave Church or even backslide, my heart sink instantly. Especially my former CL "Donnie Lim." I still respect him, his patient for me is very strong in the past whereby I kept rejecting his invitation to Church. And now I realize that having so many youths in Christian service not just to socalize but also honor God, It's just so sad to see not all are the faithful one.
Even if I come back to "Hope Church" I surely see couple, I always thought Christianity is the truthfully Brother & Sister which they choose to be single and allow themselves to be devoted to God, but somehow it's prove me extremely wrong. Isn't it makes absolutely no different from forming bgr programme like "mirc", "Friendster", "wholivesnearyou"? But then, Christianity is a live forming bgr programme.
Anyone discuss this issue with me will be ignored...
What I mention above is just temporary anger I suppose...