I told myself that I wants to behave in Godly ways via attitude, whilst Jesus was in this earth, He receives evil temptation, torture, insult, physical damage and etc. Not to mention, everything he does for us is all for our own good and yet we still rebel and sins against Him, somemore those damage done to Him is His own creation. Mainly is the devil's work I suppose.
When comes to me, an insulted or cold jokes by my friend/bro in Christ or anyone, I tend to hold grudges against them. What is wrong with me I wonder? I wants to behave in Jesus manner no matter what the peril holds, storm in the sea whilst in the boat or even trapped alone in the dark. All of those circumstances I mention, Jesus attitude shall applies to me.
All these years since I was on this earth, the devil has been tearing me apart such as associate me into secret society when I was in high school, lust strongly for any hot babe in the street, get angry easily over a minor issue, hot temper and etc. All these, I shall overcome in Jesus name. I'll seek and yield to Him. What I wants to tell Satan and his minions that, "I LOVE JESUS CHRIST" I will bow to Him and accepted Him. I wants to tell satan that Jesus is only the true God, evanglism to people, strengthen the new believer faith and last but not least, and I can't wait to see Satan and his minions' cry like a baby and scream like a girl being raped at the 2nd coming of almighty Jesus when He dump all of them into the lake of fire. They will then being destroyed completely and beg Jesus under His feet and say, "Oh God, please help me! my ass hurts."