Sunday, April 23, 2006
~ 1:15 AM ~
Went to meet up with a lady regarding of an insurance plan at centrepoint macdonald last night, her dressing was so revealing during our appointment till I constantly lust at her without listening to her talking to me. Although she look like she was in her mid 20s, she was as gorgeous as an 18 years old girl. Reluctantly, she refuse to reveal her age to me. She was dressing in her sleeves less tube, her tits truly attracts my attention most of the time, was thinking of winning her body over. When ask if I could meet up with her for movies or even dinner, without hesitation, she agrees.
Jonathan and Stanley, thanks for your card and the words of encouragement. I'm sorry to disappoint you that those words don't work on me. Even thought, you put in some effort in purchasing and writing those stuff, I leave them aside. I don't really like going to Church nowadays, because I don't wish to see certain people, no point going there and force myself to silent and blinded over them. Perhaps I would like to seek a new beginning and environment. I won't be going back to Hope Church anymore! Sexually desperation and depression strike me during tough trainning in ns and thus I have to filled my hunger at places you don't wish to know.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
~ 12:17 AM ~
I'm back here blogging again, it's feel so relaxing to voice out everything that I have been through over the past few days in camp.
In the beginning of this week, I was appointed as the platoon IC whereby I get the opportunities to stood infront of a bunch of 50 people and gave command. Everybody will have their chance to be an IC but unluckily I was appointed during this moment which our schedule is pack and all of a sudden an additional of thirteen people join in as one platoon. Even thought it was cool and fun being an IC as everybody listens to your command and act upon your instruction but one scenario that I encounter difficulties which involve mathematics, everybody was forming 3 person in one line all the way up to 14 line, if there is a blank in a line, it's obvious that people is either wasn't around or has already reported sick. You got to react fast enough and do the calculation and report the total strength to the sergeant. Apparently, I got confuse all the time and mess up the calculation in my head, everybody wait for me and time has wasted just like that.
Next week is my field camp, which require us to stay in a jungle for 7 days without having a shower and consume food which is extremely different from any food outlet. But I do sincerely hope that rain don't come next week, not even for a day. Even there it is, I'll be bother.
Having a SOC (Standard Obstacle Course) yesterday, I find it the most interesting part of army life and I truly enjoy it a lot. SOC was like there was a wall in front of you, about 1.9m tall, all you have to do is jump over it, once you completed, proceed on to the next obstacle which is monkey bar, you just have to climb and climb till you reach the end point. Many more to be name, the SOC is simply great to play with.
I got only a night to spend with before I have to book in again tomorrow evening, what shall I do with it? Clubbing? hunt for babe in geylang lorong?
My dear friends in Hope Church S'pore, how do you define love? You wrote at my tagboard and proclaiming loves to me? It get on to my nerves when you people mentioning religion stuff to me.
Friday, April 14, 2006
~ 6:54 PM ~
A message to the Dians;
We can still be friends and I'm bold, open minded enough to discuss any topics you guys wish to come up with and would greatly ignore when comes to a discussion of religion stuff. Many thanks!
Had a fun and enjoyable public holiday at MOS with 2 of my friends, It was so great to club with new people, environment and the atmosphere there was like heaven. Awesome! Though I just got my allowance from the government, I barely spent it as I spend most of my time in camp. We club till 2am as one of my friend was tired and couldn't take the loud music anymore so we get the hell out of there instantly. Whilst on our way out, there was a drunk lady in her early 20s, she was lying on the ground with her eyes closed and uttering some rubbish which we don't even understand, my friend had a dirty thought which is to screw her, she was all by herself since we stood in front of her for the past 15 minutes, I had an temptation too. While my friend and I were approaching her, we saw a 2 cops patrolling around the premises within 100 metres away from it, we decided not to approach her and leave her alone.
Still wasn't enough, we proceed on to geylang lorong, with bikes on my side, there isn't any problem travelling from places to places. We had an enquires on how much does it cost to screw a girl, the prices was $40 for half an hour and $160 for a night with free condom and hotel. Majority of the lady were in the late 20s while only a handful were in her late teens. We would loves to satisfy our lust at the night club and ultimately we took a $40 for half an hour to filled our hunger. Those girls were creative and active upon being screw, what amuse me was she moaning here and there for nothing, perhaps she was acting high. Haha!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
~ 8:14 PM ~
BMT (Basic Military Trainning) shall kick off next week which mean time for rest and do what we want will be minimize and It'll shall be hell lot of physical work to do. While in army, each time when you goes to gym, swimming or a slow jog, you'll have to do some sretching exercise. It's ridiculous! It's just waste of time, why not might as well just get the ball rolling?
While serving in the army, weekend is the most precious time to those who work for the government, when committed a minor mistakes such as you sign a book that touches outside the box or drop your rifle unintentionally, the Sergeant might just reward you a confinement or guard duty which holds you back during weekend whilst your platoon mates get to book out and rest.
Having a rough test on the 5 station last week which everyone does it during secondary school, there are "Sit-up", "Chin up", "Shuttle Run", "Standing Board Jump" & "2.4km run", my weakest station was 2.4km, I just can't run, halfway through out the destination, I got exhausted just like a dog sticking out its tongue. How am I going to be a sergeant in future when I train my men. I got no problem of the rest of the station but just the 2.4km which I'm not very good in. Although I just got a pass for the test but I hate myself for not achieving at least a Silver likewise a Gold.
Ronald, I just wants to say that you are a sociable and caring buddy, when the wooden square fell off from your bed and critically hit my toe, you react shocking and approach instantly to my aid, and when the blood flow out from it, you quickly grab a tissue and a plaster to sticks onto my toe. Ronald, thank you! :-)
Saturday, April 08, 2006
~ 4:12 AM ~
Imagine that you have to wake up daily at 5am to do exercise, who the hell in the world would do that? Every morning you get your ass from your bed to do push up, sit up, jumping jacks and etc. Just feeling kind of sick and tired. That's life in army I can tell you!
I got a platoon mate who shared the same bunk with me who is fat, ugly, disgusting and has a extremely thick mouth who loves to spill vuglarities a lot unnecessarily. He just can't do a single chin up at all, I'm neither insult nor critize him, I'm just saying something I wish to say and stating the facts, surprising to me is that he got a slim and gorgeous girlfriend. Why wouldn't me having it?
Was thinking of having a tatoo on my arms and go to geylang with several of my platoon mates to do exercise on bed with some hot babes! that's my fun when booking out!
No more churches nor anything!
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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Specially To.