Saturday, May 27, 2006
~ 6:39 PM ~
Got my last and final hair cut last week at tekong resort which means I don't have to cut monthly as the SAF rules for all recruits to do so and I'll be promoting from recruit to private in about a couple of weeks time.
Just exactly 1 and a half weeks to go for my POP day, wondering would Belinda is available for my grand day on 6th June? I have already plan on what to do after my POP and I can't wait for that, go Malaysia to pump my petrol with my biker gang and go to friends house to watch the World Cup 2006.
After 3 months of BMT inclusive of PTP, hereby I would like to express gratitude to those who I feel that they have been my very close friend/buddy throughout the days we've been together.
There are,
"Huang Jin Hong"
"Leow Gim Ann"
"Tang Jing Feng Jeff"
"Tan Pang Leng Kevin"
"Lo Guo Xuan"
"Phua Jiun Chian Jason"
"Tan Jian Yi"
"Hoon Ding Wei"
"Kuah Zi Xiang"
"Nicholas Alexander"
"Wan Yong Xiang Vincent"
"Mohammad Idafi"
"Chew Yee Siong Felix"
"Tan Wei Jing"
Saturday, May 20, 2006
~ 9:54 PM ~
Early in the morning, I went to a bike industry to service my vehicle, as it has been quite some time since I last did it. I went at around 10.30am, as it was weekend, there were lots of people waiting for their turn to service their bike and when it comes to my turn, the techician says that my bike has not been check up for quite a long time and needed plenty of time to do it and which means it cost me more money. They even help me to clean the internal portion of my bike and change all the rusting parts, it cost me more than 3 digit altogether.
In the afternoon, I meet up with my secondary school friend and accompany him to Sim Lim Square as he wants to enquire regarding of his laptop motherboard and on the way I could look out for cheap mp3 player and psp games. We went there by bike, all of a sudden in the middle of the road, my engine stall, which means the engine went dead and I was like what the fuck, but fortunately, there was no vehicles around me. Could you imagine in the middle of the expressway, something screw up with your vehicle, not once but twice and thrice. I was a little annoyed, constantly I kept pressing my electric starter and turn my throller to the fullest in order to revive my engine and there I carry on with my journey.
Went back home at around 9pm as my friend got to work the next morning, so I send him home and I go spin the wind myself, when I go out, I don't like to come back so early so I decided to tour around my area for hours.
Reach home after the touring, log in to msn and I happen to see one of my friend msn nickname which reads, "Woman is one God gifts to men who deserves her." It capture my attention a lot when I see that and I close my eyes thinking that God hadn't give me any gifts yet? The gifts in the sense of long term which I mean...
Friday, May 19, 2006
~ 7:58 AM ~
Seems like my blog here was flooded with some unvited guest and filled with ill discipline noise of some dogs barking down the streets. I don't know and I don't care who she is but I guess she's just rather a self pity person seeking for attention...If memory serves me correct, her nickname was "Rain" something...
Wow, time really flies, appromiaxtely 2 more weeks to my POP day! Which means I'll be graduating from my BMT, and it shall be a very grand ceremony with all the troops in tekong marching out to the parade square with each individual parents watching their sons on show. But I got only 2 tickets available, who should i give?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
~ 9:02 PM ~
Last night, a Malay friend of mine and myself went to night riding at Changi Village to look out for so called *lady, we go there by bike at around 1am, there are two of us and out of boredom, we went there to have fun. I approach the lady and ask for a price and was so freak out by her voice, she sounds like a middle age man having a sore throat but I don't mind, as long as there is fun, I'll do anything. Her asking price was a little too much, $100 for an hour and $3o for a short while, it's quite ridculous. While asking whether are there any chances of spending the night, she shook her head. The price was too shocking, go to geylang also not that much.
After the trip to Changi, we went to a isolated mosque located near sembawang park, we have to pass through a very long stretch of desserted path with a very dim light provided for us, upon reaching there, my friend would like to wash his feets so he ask me to go inside with him and I agree. The building was surrounded by many tall trees with long leaves with it, my friend sense something unclean then while I explore the entire place, within a couple of minutes, we head back home...
Next sat, I'll be organising an outing to MOS, frankly speaking and to admit it, my purpose of going there is to hunt for young girls, dance with them and get to know them. Wish me luck then.. :-)
Friday, May 12, 2006
~ 8:41 AM ~
A boring public holiday I had spent this entire day...
In the afternoon I went to meet up with my brother to pester him to return my psp as he borrow from me a week ago, miss my precious game so much whilst in camp, went all the way to sengkang to meet up with him, while on my way there, rainning cat and dog begin falling from the sky, I sped up to nearly 110km/h in order to reach there asap and seek out for a shelter, fortunately, I manage to settle down before I was drench.
Moments later, I phone my friend who was staying nearby that area and meet him up for lunch, while we were consuming, we see a sweet and young girl who was helping out her parents I suppose, one thing for sure that she is very helpful towards her parents, willingly to sacrifice her holiday.
Later in the evening, I meet up with my platoon mates to have some entertainment at Ang Mo Kio arcade near jubilee, surprisingly to me is that the entrance was block by the Ah Lians, those secondary girls. They wore little and eyes capturing, had some tatoo on their body, how I wish I could know them and hope to win their body over.
We played a few round of Time Crisis III and we went back home to our individual direction, while I was on my way to the carpark at Ang Mo Kio courts, I saw a old man in his late 40s I guess, who was heavily drunk and was walking unevenly, I look down to the ground thinking of what should I do and the moment I look up, he collapsed with his entire body slam to the ground. When I wanted to approach the old man, a group of 5-7 Malay boys' attended to him. I then stay out of business and went to start my engine.
I just wants to express gratitude to my sergeant zulkifly who shows so much patient to me when I wasn't concentrate on lecture and always the last person during trainning, miss fire during shooting of a rifle, he close 1 eyes for me. Really respected him a lot...
Someone who shows patient to me always deserve my respect, salute and admiring. I will always obey to every single words everytime when he/she open its mouth.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
~ 6:25 AM ~
I'm back here blogging again, sincerely apologise for the long wait! Even thought I might not be able to update regularly but I will do so when I book out during the weekend.
Had fun and enjoyable field camp about 2 weeks ago, It was 7 days and 6 night living at the jungle. We took approximately about 8km route march from our bunk to the jungle with rifle carrying on our hands and field pack on our back. Not to mention, I fall out 3 quarter through out the march as I feel slight headache and vision start to shake. I reported to the sergeant who was walking beside us and was told to walk slowly and the safety vehicles fetch our field pack for me.
When we reach there, the common things is, mosquito, housefly and all kind of insects was filled at the jungle, wherever you go, those insects will just follow you to get some flesh blood of yours. We stay at rubber plantation for 3 days and there was one day, while we were preparing to get some rest in our mini tent, a stinks and a huge wild boar came, there isn't one, there are several of them, the scenario was cool, our sergeant was armed with rifle and explosive material to chase out the wild boar but to their disappointment, they failed miserably. Their purpose of visiting us is to consume our food, again and again, the wild boar was stubbornly refuse to leave even thought they are being chased away with deadly weapons.
We move out to oil plantation 3 days later, at the location, it was my worst experience there, we were told to prone down on the ground with our rifle sticking out of our hand, a couple of minutes later, I heard a noise which sounds like a snake, I'm afraid it might be a cobra as rats were at the scene, no doubt that snake will follow. I immediately on my feets up and reported to sergeant. Everyone was alarm when I yell that there was a snake detected.
The next day, we move to another location at reclaim land, It was tough there, we were given a certain time to dig a shellscript, a size of a coffin and about 2m deep and were instructed to sleep there for a night. How would that possible to sleep on a soil? I gather 4 of my friend to talk cock at one of our shellscript and spend the night there. We don't get to sleep much as neither of us can sleep in peace, (on a soil)??
So many things to mention in the field camp, I shall end here...
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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Specially To.