Friday, June 30, 2006
~ 10:09 PM ~
I had my 2nd book out in this new unit, after a long wait, joyment is yet to come, booking out on friday afternoon at about 5pm, went to the parade at Mandai hill camp as it was SAF day the next day. Reach home an hour later, get some rest and later procceed to one of my army friend house to catch a football match between Germany & Argentina, Italy & Ukraine. It is not exactly his home but his brother's home as he went to China for one and a half years with his wife leaving the home empty for that period of time. Together, the both of us watch the football match by ourselves with some potato chips and coke. He got a cool plasma television of 34 inch, I was wondering could I get some guys to join in too, as due to the fact that I don't really know this guy well, I don't dare to shoot a conversation by inviting my friend to join the fun.
Getting bored of army life nowadays, for this entire week, we get to learn several of new weapons such as SAR 21, the weapon which Singapore invented appromiaxtely 7 years ago. M203, M16 which attach a generade lanucher onto it, Matador, an rocket lanucher to fire against the tank, SAW (Semi-Auto Weapon) an old gun which use during world war II.
Got to know this faithful Christian nsmen in my platoon, he was extremely faithful, why did I say that? because I was listening to his mp3 player which he put those hillsongs inside it, I was listening to every single of the hillsongs without failed, he got notice of it and begin to question me by asking am I a Christian? I reply with a smile by saying, "somewhat." He ask again, "which church?", I reply, "No Church." He begin pestering me to go his church which located at expo, the city harvest church. I rejected ultimately and told him that I don't like to go to Church nowadays.....(It was a long conversation between this faithful Christian and myself), don't wish to concluded.
During meal time after trainning, I saw quite a number of people do their prayer before consuming their meals, makes me wonder, are there really a lot of christian army in SAF?
Saturday, June 24, 2006
~ 1:27 AM ~
I had my first book out at the new unit which I have been posted to, unwillingly, I'm now have to go through the remaining of my 1 and a half years of national service. Where do I posted to? it's 4SIR, that infantry unit. It didn't end up my expected posting which is SISPEC. I don't really like my current unit, and worst comes to worst, the sergeant major in charge was a ranger, what he undergo during his training, he apply to here. We'll be having tons of hell then. Seriously and frankly speaking, no one likes to be in 4SIR. My camp is located at Lim Chu Kang where different religion of cemetry is surrounded our campsite, but nothing to fear about, *they are here to guard our camp 24/7 (if you get what I mean). Truly an disappointing unit which I'll be in throughout this entire 1 and a half years.
Made many great friends there, age range in my section is between 19 - 23, there are 15 people in my bunk, 5 of them which includes me are christian. The rest are free thinker and buddhism. I see a couple of them sharing bible and doing some discussion about Jesus, 1 of them who used to be a christian critize about their prayer, It didn't annoyed nor irritated me even a single bit, out of fun and help those victims, I took out the blanket from his bed and covered him. Had fun but also had hell!
Slowly, I feel that I'm slightly twist back to my old self again, devilish mind seems to have faded away and revengeful thoughts had vanish. I do not know how long can it last, the devil temptation is really too powerful, it's beyond my control. I have wake up to my sense that Jesus is still no 1 and the true God. I may saying this now but I can't predict what the future will holds.
Hey Jonathan Chua aka BigJ, I reflect of the past memories when we spent the day and night together, I feel you are a great ally of mine somehow, the same thing goes to Lester, he is patient, friendly and well deserving respect from his peers. I offer my apology Jonathan. I'm sorry!
Stanley from Hope Church, I still can't forget the way on how you threaten patrick and myself by coming to my house and get my family to involve between our business, correct me if I'm wrong, when two kids tend to quarrel with one another, the loser of the small little children end up telling the parents of his opponent?
It was an unforgivable act, I can't believe you hid yourself from your true identity and disguise yourself with a different nickname and started screaming like a wild girl at my blog? Not to mention, it was just your luck that patrick didn't came to your church last weekend otherwise I dare not imagine he would lay his finger upon your skin and maybe I don't know whether you would seek for halt from his assault? Pat, perhaps his word speaks louder than action.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
~ 10:22 PM ~
A couple of days ago, I meet up with my secondary school good friend "Mervin" as he was down with depression due to relationship trivial problem between them. As a bond friendship concern, I ride on with my "horse" to meet him under his block, he told me that he had prepare a small gift of token to her as a appreciation of love but his girlfriend suggest a break up without knowing that he has something surprise for her. I drove him to Tampines where her habitat was and to meet her but sadly, she seems unwillingly to see him. We proceed to East Point shopping centre at simei for lunch, what was there seems really boring, there wasn't really anyone at the shopping centre, it was quiet with lots of shop open. I strike a conversation with Mervin and ask what actually happen at this peak hours with shoppers can count with 10 fingers. He replied with a smile and speak nothing, I was stunned. But afterall, the shopping mall was old with no cinema theatre and library, that was the main clue.
Yesterday a good friend of mine "Rong qin" and I went to Far East plaza to have tatoo on our body, we reach there at early afternoon and waited quite long for the arts to completed, mine chosen design was complex and thus we have to waited quite sometime before everything is done. Tatoo making is pain when the sharp objects such as a needle poke onto your skin, the pain was like a bee sting onto you or even an red ants bit. Saw my sergeant there too, he was with his girlfriend, had the second thought of not wanting to approach him as I don't like to be ask something which concerns me. As I assume he saw me, I approach him unwillingly.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
~ 6:35 PM ~
Return to Pulau Tekong last night for the very last time to do guard duty for my company. last time? I suppose to, hope when I posted out to unit, I won't be back to tekong again. The guard duty was fun, you tag along with one of your friends to patrol around the area where you are being send to, holding on to your rifle with live round in your sbo in case of bouncing into intruders. You are a guards, all unauthorised personnel must obey your orders otherwise you have the right to shoot them! sounds fun? I doubt so, obviously there won't be any intruders in tekong.
I was thinking of returning to my former church in cuppage plaza, having so many great friends there, people like "Ace veron", "Kelvin", "Cedric", "Jingmin" etc...
I really wish to go back there but the problem is, I have made so many people hate me, I do not know how they feel towards me, I'm afraid they might have bad image on me and hold grudges against me when I return. I have been a very spoilt brat since young, being so rebellious and stubborn, and my appearance? people since I look like holigan, don't fit being a Christian, that affects me on the entire image and my mind was telling me to leave Church. I'm still a Christian, still a brothers to the people in Hope, it's just that I'm at lost, confuse and had a devilish mind. I'm not a faithful follower of Christ as I use to be. Those ladies who I visited a couple of weeks ago, places like ktv bar girl, massage centre and geylang lorong gave me a great satisfication and pleasurable whilst I was having shit in ns. Perhaps that was the love I am seeking...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
~ 11:13 PM ~
Went to MOS (Ministry Of Sound) a few days ago with several of my friends, manage to get a free entrance from a friend as he has a sms from MOS and each sms entitle to 2 person, we cheated by duplicating the sms and which we could get more people to gain free entry.
It wasn't as fun as I expected, the guys were outnumber the girls and most of the time we were surrounded by guys, hate this kind of feelings. What worst is to be when I approach numerous of lady to dance with me, apparently I was rejected as due to many reason which I don't wish to spell it out! There was this girl who appear to be in her late teens came together with only her friend, I brace my courage to approach her, she agrees to be with me but her friend pulled her away from me. What a dreadful experience I encounter. I intention to go clubbing was to distress myself, enjoy the music and last but not least, to hook up some ladies. But it's ok, I believe success comes after ample attempt....
Thursday, June 08, 2006
~ 11:50 PM ~

8km route march with FBO, full battle order with an appromiaxtely of 10kg!
~ 11:48 PM ~

The troops of SAF!
~ 11:46 PM ~

This was the photo I would like to share during the days of my field camp!! Finally, the 7 days and 6 nights has over!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
~ 7:19 PM ~
Peace comes after a long negotiation with the member of Hope Church! It seems like I'm waking up from my dreams, all the grudges in my mind suddenly gone loose. Patrick was ready for the major event at Hope Church this saturday and was equipping himself with an sharp object around his waist and had more than a dozen of people by his side. But after a discussion with Jonathan, I decided to cancel this event and halt Patrick and his men for that. But even when we went there this saturday, I don't think we will engage in a fight as I deal things with words and not sticks and harsh languages. Might be a confrontation and I assure with my own motto that fights don't solve issue.
I give in to the member of Hope Church eventually as I don't retaliate them when they condemn, criticize and bark onto my blog. But after all, I don't agrees with myself that I'm wrong at the start!
My dear Belinda, it pains me when I phone you this afternoon and you say that you was being scolded by your boss for not closing enough deals! It has been hard on you for the past few days, take it easy sweetie! I'll get you as many clients as possible!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
~ 8:10 AM ~
People had in mind that 666 is a symbol and representive of a Demon called "Satan", a former arch-angel of Jesus Christ who's exist in this world and capture those lost soul and lead them to hell. This was suppose to be part of Christianity culture and many non christian choose to believe this as well. This day has come and no one will know exactly what will happen today and the future.
Finally, the day has come! Which was POP! (Passing Out Parade), and ironically the day was 06.06.06. It was a bad day for all recruits like us, rainning non-stop for the past 1 hour and our bags are filled with heavy load which are to be carried home. The parade was delay because of 1 man, that very important man who is from Bukit Panjang GRC. He was late and got a couple of thousands people to wait for him. I wasn't feeling that excited for my POP as berlinda couldn't make it for this grand day of mine, she had an appointment with her client and had the determination to hit her target.
Time really flies, I had completed a 3 months BMT course and currently waiting to be posted out. Meanwhile I could do during this 10 days was to enjoy the World Cup, go clubbing and catch interesting movies.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
My Excitement Journal
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Specially To.