Sunday, July 23, 2006
~ 12:07 AM ~
Return to work; many things I would like to pour here and share with those who read my blog often.
July ending, August is coming in a week's time, month by month, ord date is getting one step closer and it shall end eternity of my army life, I can't wait to return to my previous school, "Lasalle.sia" to study films. That was the dreams I keen to achieve.
My elder brother accumulate quite a lot of money by working as an housing agent, he has the intention of shifting to Ang Mo kio flat at block 209 just 100m away from the muslim mosque. I will try my utmost to help my family to accomplish the goals.
On my next blog, I will do a portfolio on myself which displays picture of I dressing up as a soldier in ns which I'm currently serving, NPCC which I join during my school days, biker suits which I ride almost daily during I book out and casual of what I wore during outing. Had the thought of being a model, did the portfolio and receive comment from friends. You guys be the judge. :D
Overseas trainning at Taiwan, *Australia, *Thailand which I'm going at the end of this year and early next year for advance infantry trainning to shoot a rocket. Those marking on top of country which are to be confirm. Excited but also afraid that it might be tough for me to take the heat. Excited as I get to take the flight for free, its been long since I last take a plane ride at 1997.
Back to my life stories;
For I believe and what others say that after you have been water baptism, that so called "The Devils" thingy will try their best to tempt you and draw you away from God, I test the spirits once and eventually I got tempted, I believe in myself that I was strong enough and could resist the temptation but I was wrong. I could feel the devil is flowing through my heart and soul telling me to mock the christianity. How could I resist it fully when God failed to stop them from doing it? But afterall, being devilish looks cool to me.
Went to catch a movies with ann at Junction 8, we catch the privates of the carribean at 2330 hours, she wanted to watch at 2130 but the ticket sold fast and only the front seat is available, who would wants to watch in the front seat when you have to stick up your head 90 degree to see the screen. After purchasing the tickets, we have 2 and a half hours available till the movies start, we went shopping at the shopping centre itself, bought some food on its way and after that we went on to purchase a pair of rings. The ring itself cost $18, it was nice and it scribble our name onto it, creates a perfect match. While the show is screening, she told me that she was cold, I lay my arm onto her shoulder and gave her a warm hug, my hand rubs against her hand, minutes later, our lips start to lock. That feelings was greater than I could ever imagine.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
~ 9:38 PM ~
The experience I have been through this weekend was both disaster and enjoyable. As it was to be mention, I went to catch a movies with 2 of my malay friend straight after I book out on friday evening at shaw house, Lido. Never did we expect that we purchase the timeslot of 2.15am and ultimately we got the 12.15am. In begin, we reach there at around 1am, we assume that the ticket seller got our message and gave us the time of what we wanted but did not. We went back home after failing to enter the theatre, the security said, come back tomorrow!
The next day, mervin, galvin, weijian and myself went to city harvest church after being invited by Benjamin, one of my army friends, we went there by bike and got lost on our way which cause us to travel half of the s'pore road, the service was to begin at 1630 hours and after searching for the exact location, it was already 1530 hours.
The looking indoor stadium of that church was awesome, it filled approximately of 7000 people, it looks like an ant when see from far. The music creates an background effect when played. It was impact afterall, I loved the music there. Got to know benjamin cell group friends, there are quite a lot of youngster, properly between secondary and poly that age range. We proceed to have dinner at esplande, as the same things goes, we chat and laugh a lot and eventually got to know one another better.
On sunday afternoon at 1500 hours, it was truly an disaster and unlucky day for me, I travel down to thompson plaza with a bike, half way through my journey, it rains cat and dog, it don't start with drizzling. My engine got stalled which caused me to park my bike one side and lay down one corner to seek for aid. All I have to do is to ring up my friends to meet me and help me by pushing the bike from behind in order to allow the engine to circulate. I was at Lentor residence, between khatib and yio chu kang, there was rarely a passer by so it was difficult for me to approach anyone.
After getting everything's done, 2 hours has passed, I was very late meeting ann, afraid she might get pissed off so I decided to treat her to a movies of "Just my luck", went to Yishun GV cinema and settled down, we talk a lot whilst watching the show, didn't really pay much attention to it. After the show has ended, it was already 2100 hours, her guardian restricted her to go reach home before 2200, I went home with her as my bike is parked at her house basement carpark. I start my bike, to my disappointment, it couldn't start as well, I find out that my petrol is empty, the petrol station was about 1km away from her home, afraid and nervous, I called my brother to purchase the oil for me.
Friday, July 07, 2006
~ 12:18 PM ~
Till this day and now, I still never find life satisfying ever since I was enlisted into ns. I must confess, after the hardship I've been through for the past 4 months, my maturity has changed slightly better, my wisdom has increase. Not to mention, I have made many great friends around me such as army, churches, school and online. But you don't expect yourself to simply contact every single one of them. I believe what we organise our programme is already plan in advance by God. What's life is meant to be? I don't understand. What is it that lacking in my life?
I'm still affected by what people always said that their first impression on me wasn't that good, not approachable and unfriendly. Deep down in my heart, it was something like a dagger that stab upon my heart. I understand I used to be a hooligan when I was in youth stage. But afterall, I still love being a bad guy with vuglarities filled in my mouths, throw litter and talk loudly. This was the quote created by the girls which is, "nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai." Do I look like a Christian? perhaps I don't. What's that mean to be in church when you feel so unwelcome?
On Wednesday at 3am, an shocking event that leave the scar in my heart and cause unforgettable memories in my mind, a past midnight while everyone was sounded asleep sweetly and peacefully, an ambulance came and sounded the horn as loud as canon, that came after, a sergeant from my platoon uses a microphone and wake everyone up by yelling, "TURN OUT! TURN OUT! EVERYONE FALL IN." Nobody in the blue hell know what's going on. But to our surprise, we have some great show, they display an plasma screen about 50m away from our camp, waked us up and wanting us to catch the semi-final between Germany and Italy.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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