Sunday, August 27, 2006
~ 2:40 AM ~
Went out yesterday with my sweetie dear ann to suntec city for a scroll, it was quite some time since I last met her as she needs to prepare for her common test, and yesterday I got the opportunity to meet up with her once again, haha. The moment I sees her I was extremely delighted, she was my favourite girl who was filled with awesome feature appearance, a sweet voice and a bright shiny eyes. We took a train there as the weather seems a little unfriendly and I do not wants to risk the both of us caught in the rain. I call upon my twins friend to meet up with me at suntec city but unfortunately I met someone who I don't really like so I went home straight a couple of minutes later after I see him, he was the kind of guy who was quite desperate, wanting to get my female friends contact no and get to know them, though I don't really know him well but I do had a very bad impression on him. I'm sorry Mervin & Galvin, I left the both of you there without even speaking to you, but I sms you and tell you how I feel when I saw someone right? Forgives me!
My girl wanted to come to my house and transfer the mp3 from my computer to her mp3 player, her favourite genre songs was techno, I got quite a plenty but all was out-dated, she said! Haha...
Ultimately, we played a several games of "House of the dead 2" and "The bomberman" from nintendo. Well, she met my mum and my mum thinks she's great, she was polite and enjoy a smile everynow and there. Now, it's my turn to meet her parents, but I'll need to fly to myanmar, haha. perhaps a year later! I can't fly to anywhere during the period of I serving the nation.
This morning 27th august 2006, the entire s'pore army organise an Army Half Marathon (AHM) run held at padang, opposite City Hall mrt station. It was 10km run for the men(Coporal and below) and 21km for the commander (3rd sergeant onwards), it's was cool as you get to run along the expressway and was over thousands of people, boys and girls included, some outsider even register to take part in the run. In the half way through, it started to rain, all of us were drenched, there are water point as well, milo especially!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
~ 9:51 AM ~
Went to service my bike in the afternoon and that cost me $25....(flying)
Later, I went sim lim square with mervin to see the price of upgrading the computer, farking bored! so many games cannot play...
Handphone spoilt, people call can hear my voice but I can't hear. Want to change phone already...
Here's the conversation between patrick and myself;
Patrick: Siao lian eh, heard last time your church got lot of chio bu hor? can intro not? kah ni nah, lim pei si bei desperate leh...
Me: Haha, yes...yes...there are plenty I must confess but however you've have to go through their permission first right?
Patrick: wat permission? chao chee bye, tis kind of generation already, you wan sio gan the girl also lan lan do wif u. As long as you got the looks. :)
Me: haha, I find you quite good looking before you was enlisted into army, so perhaps I think you can go to my former church one day and try your luck. (ONS) :D
Patrick: Kah ni nah la, church people like wat...god here, god there. In fact, most girls are single hor?
Me: Exactly...I don't think they even like to be attach. (I refering to some). *Cut smile.
Patrick: wahahha, ask them weather they can act like mother teresa or not? born single and also die single...don't attach la, since the girls' love god so much. kan ni nah, if they can be like mother teresa, lim pei salute them ar....chee bye!
Me: Yes, you are somehow there.
Friday, August 18, 2006
~ 11:13 PM ~
LAst week was a awesome week, last tuesday was a half day training and then the next day was national day, thursday was off in due and friday was the day my camp organise a games day of "amazing race" (will talk more about it later), and last but not least, the weekend of sat and sun. Truly enjoy myself a lot and also spend too much money on outing already.
Last friday, 11th august 2006, my camp organise an "amazing race" held at marina south carpark A to gather all of the soldiers in 4sir to brief us of the rules and regulation. There are over hundreds of us and each split into a team of 6 people, 3 commanders and 3 men. The game is simple and yet require lots of brainstorming and travel, there are 43 checkpoints located between city hall and raffles place. All you have to do is simply take photo with all your team member at one check point and that's consider clear. For instance, a checkpoint is at stamford raffles statue, just take photo together it with the statue and it consider done.
I ride my bikes there, one of the commander is driving a car so we got no problem with travelling and during the midst of the game, it started to rain cats and dogs, I couldn't carry on and have to park my bike at peninsula plaza where we are closer to it, while waiting for the rain comes to a complete full stop, I squeeze in to my commander cars in order to continue the game.
In the end, we came in 2nd and won a $100 swensen voucher...
Then came on sunday, 13th august 2006, it was an disaster day for me, I went to accompany my friend to meet a girl who he got to know through online at sengkang compass point. It begin to drizzle when I was close to my destination, there was a sharp bend at the traffic light when exit tpe, the ground was wet and I was unaware of it, all I wants is to quickly reach my destination, I fall when turning, that hurts my right knee and arm, my bike right mirror turns to 90 degree but luckily it did not break. The people on the road was extremely nice, most of them get off from their vehicles and attend to me, some even ask me whether do I need an medical attention from an ambulance.
Friday, August 11, 2006
~ 11:43 PM ~

This two little girl are my sweetie cousins, On the left is "En En" and "Ting Ting". They are at the same age but different month. They make lots of excessive noise upon seeing me, I love them a lot and enjoy playing with them... "Hide & Seek". It's been quite some time since I last saw them, kind of missing them.
~ 11:37 PM ~

Normally during outing with friends, this is the kind which I usually wore. A cap, t-shirt and a long pants with many different patterns and colour but the picture shows are one of the example.
~ 11:35 PM ~

This is me, I was in a biker dressing which I usually wore during rainning days and breeze. Kind of cold when riding without what it takes.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
~ 1:50 AM ~

Both vehicles were purchase by my late grandfather who pass away peacefully on 29th nov 2005. The bike on the right was mean for my elder brother at the start and later he went on for class 3 and convince my grandfather to buy a car for him and eventually my brother then gaves me his bike.
~ 1:46 AM ~

The scorpio company! Platoon 1 section 2. (10th March 2006 - 6th June 2006)
~ 1:43 AM ~

Ann zhang tian tian, she's from myanmar with a intelligence knowledge, understanding but also caring upon her heart. My favourite one and only dearie...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
~ 7:57 PM ~
After a long consideration, I suddenly wants to reveal myself of why I left Hope Church ever since I was enlisted into national service. There are a lot to say and I shall say it in precisely, loud and clear. To those Hope Church people who read my blog regularly.
Personally I feels that I'm a rare, unique and a great guy with lots of brainstorming ideas and lead people to anywhere, everywhere I go. People often had their first impression on me was that I'm a hooligan, smoker, bad guy, ah beng, alcoholic. Even thought I look like all the mention above but I still goes to church, do any one of the example mention above goes to church and be a christian? It might be yes, but I assure you and guarantees that it is extremely rare. It's just too bad that you guys lost a great guy like me, do not think that I'm self-proclaiming myself as one, as the matter of fact, I think I am. Jealousy led me to darkness, there was one time when I heard wilton and Joey was together, to be frank and honest speaking, I was indeed jealous. Why people can have relationship in church and why not me? Why people can accept someone and why can't someone accept me? You see, after leaving Hope Church. A couple of months later, I got a fruithful relationship with a girl whom I get to know through IMESH, she came from Myanmar and was a Chinese Muslim, she cherish me more than my sister in christ and who I like most veronica. She stay close to me and even kept in contact as much as she could just to get to know me better. She enjoy being my companion a lot more than all my sister in christ in Hope Church. I'm a kind of guy who requires an owner, perhaps ann was the first to be mine and whatever religion she might be in, I'm with her.
Whatever you guys wants to do such as evangelism and recruit people from public, I bid you good luck. :D