Saturday, December 30, 2006
~ 11:39 AM ~
I'm blogging at the time of 31st Dec 2006, 3.40am. It would be a day slow for the server, what you see now might be on 30th Dec. Last day of the year, time truly flies fast and I can remember so clearly of what I did last year on this day, I went below my block the community centre and countdown with the resident.
Good bye 2006, Hello 2007! Almost a year in army, I must save up money for my studies, has been spending too much on unnecessary stuff. There are quite plenty of stuff I wish to buy:
"Raw vs Smackdown 2007 (PSP)", "Dynasty Warrior Volume 2 (PSP)", "Metal Gear Solid portable ops (PSP)", "Neverwinter Night 2 (PC)", "Bike servicing". Army only 1 month gave me $500, where got enough???
Another overseas trainning coming up on the 16th March 2007 to 18th April 2007, more than a month there and this time we'll be travelling to Taiwan. Sigh, what disappoint me was my girl birthday was on the 25th March and I was away during that time. Hai...
"Jazlyn dear, if you happen to drop by my blog, I want to tell you that I love and accept for who you are, how much you hurt or nag at me, my heart is only especially design for you where to be kept and lock unto it. Nearly 3 months together, I hope we can maintance as what we are doing now, sincerely and truthfully I love you from the bottom of my heart."
Yours Dearie,
James Liang
Thursday, December 28, 2006
~ 10:26 PM ~

This is my girl, spend nearly 2 hour photoshop this picture. I think she looks gorgeous in this background, don't you think so? Man, she's my favourite!
~ 10:23 PM ~

Say no to gambling!
~ 10:22 PM ~

Is she dead?
~ 10:22 PM ~

Power generator at OCH!
~ 10:21 PM ~

Break dance! Donnie Lim is performing his dance at Harbourfront Mrt Station.
~ 10:21 PM ~

Iqbal, one of my good friend is choosing his bike at Bukit Merah. My malay best friend who took bike license with me last year. Fortunately both of us got our license same time and day.
~ 10:18 PM ~

Galvin & Mervin, the twins. They are my good friends.
~ 10:18 PM ~

Christmas tree! took this during Christmas day at ???, guess where it is. :-)
~ 10:16 PM ~

Scorpio troopers! This is all my friend during BMT. 10th March - 6th June 2006.
~ 10:15 PM ~

Nice sunrise, took this pic at sentosa!
~ 7:15 AM ~
Back from camp, book in on 26th dec - 28th dec just to pack our stuff for alert amber. Meaning from 4th Jan to 30th Jan 2007, we'll been issue a pager which they will activate us at anytime, anywhere and anyone within that period of time and we'll have to return to camp in less than 4 hours time. Upon returning, we'll have to change to no.4, draw arms and prepare our battling equipment, the higher authority will be in show to watch us.
Haha, long holiday from now to 3rd Jan, get to celebrate new year eve with my girl and friends, so excited about the year end event. Yeah!
After booking out, several of my platoonmates and myself went for dinner at Lot 1 Japanese Ramen, while we were consuming, we chat lots of topic and there was one of my platoonmate which most of them don't really likes him, they kept gossip about him being selfish and constantly condemn him. They scolded me for being to friendly and nice to befriend him, I replied them by saying, "I want to socialize with everyone I could and be friendly with them for the next one year of ns. If I could, I jolly well give in and stay out of trouble."
Monday, December 25, 2006
~ 9:05 AM ~

The 2nd picture with different pose! I just love taking picture with my girl. Haha! Oh, just in case I forgot, Merry Christmas!!!
~ 9:03 AM ~

This is the picture taken at Cathy Cineleisure on 22nd Dec, a day before she went for a holiday at Malacca. We went for a farewell dinner there. The picture topic, "2 pair of couples"
~ 9:00 AM ~

I must confess, this is the most awesome picture I ever took with my girl, what she dress was nice, I think it truly suits her. Oh ya, do you really think that background was actually someone's place? Haha, just to keep you in mystery, I shall not tell. :)
~ 8:55 AM ~

This photo was taken at Junction 8, the highest level of the shopping mall. Hmmm, I think that snowman look a little like you. Hahaha! :D
~ 8:50 AM ~

This is my sweetie girl, gorgeous with an attractive smile, equip with an polite and courteous attitude. Sociable and caring girlfriend of mine, wherever she goes, people warming welcome and greets her with a smile just like how she did in that picture.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
~ 5:13 AM ~
Damn! I'm super low morale, agitated, disappointed, moody and bored! Really got no mood ever since my girl left for a holiday in Malacca this morning for a week. Why can't she go while I was in Brunei? Ironically, both of us went overseas in the same month. Sigh~, I'm miss her so badly man! The feeling was so uneasy. How to overcome this unnerving?
Confine! Confine! Confine! This is what my sergeant in camp always threatening us with this word. Do something which he not happy, then must confine! Pathetic man!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
~ 11:06 PM ~
I have kept so many things in my mind which I wish to spill it out right here right now, I believe I will feel better once I say it out...
You see in this world, people will always remember clearly on those person who make mistakes often, blur, impolite and many more negative stuff. When you make mistakes, people always remember you and when you do things right, they won't talk about it.
I guess it's largely concern majority Singaporean who gossip behind people's back, condemn not to be mention. So what is life all about? You did the right thing, people just shut up and when you did the wrong thing, mouth of humans' echoing everywhere to be heard. Can you just imagine?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
~ 8:17 PM ~
I have touch down S'pore this morning and I was filled with refreshment of the air and scenery. Unlike in brunei, it's totally sickening me, the jungle is more than the land by 70%, a muslim country with approximately of 300 000 population.
The trip duration is from 3rd dec - 20th dec 2006, 17 days train and sleep in jungle, the feeling truly sucks but I do not have a choice. One good thing is that brunei has little mosquito but mostly sand flies, it bit you till multiple red spot on your body.
Days by days keep passing, all of us were constantly counting down and can't wait till everything is over and now..... IT HAS OVER!
Seriously speaking, days that we spent there is bitter, suffering not to mention. We ate combat ration (for those in army should know how does a combat ration taste like), biscuits, packet noodles and many more tastless food. Can't eat and sleep properly. It would be a great benefit for the fat people, they could diet easily.
I guess my lovely girlfriend has been missing me a lot cause I sneeze plenty of times while in the jungle. Haha!
Anyway, time truly flies, brunei tough trainning has over! By the time I return to camp, it's nearly January! almost a year soldier and what have I learnt? Discipline??? perhaps it hadn't....
Friday, December 01, 2006
~ 5:09 PM ~
It has been quite sometime since I last blogged on my entries. I'm truly sorry guys for not keeping you update. Well, it was both a joy and devastated through out this few months. Shall voice out on latest...
Tonight at 2359 hours, I'll be flying to brunei for overseas jungle trainning and shall be back on 20th dec 2006. We have been busying packing on our stuff over the last few weekends, purchase those you need them and spend over $50 for it. Sigh~, don't really wish to travel as I can't bear to depart from my loves one such as my relationship with a girl. We got to break contact for 17 days and I find it hard to accept, unlike in camp, although we can't meet each other but we still be able to communicate through sms but in overseas....
Anyway, I have a wonderful moments with my gf last night, we went to vivo city to see fireworks as it was their grand opening. Wow, that place was big, it was like uncountable bridge linking with each other. Haha, not to be mention, we almost get lost. It was awesome, the fireworks was impressive, we view together as I hug her from behind. Then after that, we fall out from there and headed down to my area at yishun dam cum lower seletar reservoir, we sat down opposite the reservoir and she was sharing some of her personal affairs with me. I realize that sin was a major issue that causes us to be unfair from different people, we can't possibly believes that we expect something doesn't mean we must have it. Some are less fortunate and some are, that's life I suppose.
Haha, I have been serving ns for the past 9 months already and realize that my ord date is drawing to a close, few more months and I shall be a second year soldier meaning, "Lao Jiao". ORD come quickly so I can fulfill my wish by returning to school and be a student and also to get class 3. I have been wanting to drive a car for so long.