Monday, April 30, 2007
~ 7:05 AM ~
Happy labour day! 1st of May is my good friend birthday, he is none other than Richard Ang, my Secondary School friend who had gone through conflict, joy, hatred and misery with me. He's turning 21 years old tomorrow, most of my friend had reach the age of 21 already and my turn coming this november, I had a goal which is most unlikely for me to accomplish, is to get my class 3 license before I turn 21. I have not even pass my basic theory yet, I got the test date schedule on 7th May but unfortunately I'm unable to take the test as I'm on stand by on that day itself. Sigh, Damn! Ns halt me from doing so many things, even getting a license also don't let me off.
Next, I strongly believes that when you just being baptise, the devils' will unleash it's full power to strike against you and thus cause horde of Christianity to fall. I remember I baptise on 19th Feb 2006, I felt so refresh and on fire for God but sadly when I enlisted into army on 10th March 2006, things begin to change tremendously.
Tough physical trainning, pressure from the commander, vuglarities, conflict among our platoonmates, sexual desire cause me to fall. I got ain't anyone to hold on to, it was like I falling off from the cliff and I was grabbing onto something struggling to the surface. My faith for God was struggling, my soul is screaming demanding me to leave the Church, where is everyone especially my brother and sister at hope during my struggle? What did they do during my fall from grace? Only Jonathan Chua was there to save me when I nearly become one of the cult.
After a year later, I decided to redictate my life to God, surrender myself to Him once again. Currently I'll attend adult services at hope on sunday together with Jonathan. I believe you've the prime winner if you choose to follow Christ.
Friday, April 27, 2007
~ 8:45 PM ~
It's been more than a week since I touched down Singapore from Taiwan for ns overseas trainning for the period from 19th March - 16 April 2007. Taiwan is a nice place with cold weather and things are cheap there, and the people there are friendly of course.
It's been more than a year since I was enlisted into army, 10 more months to go before I can do anything freely. Can't wait for my freedom, army stop me from doing what I truly want which is to return to school at Lasalle.sia.
After a long decision, I've decided to return to my former church, "Hope Church" located a Cuppage Plaza near somerset MRT. That is the place where I meet many nice people and a few true friends, one of them is Jonathan Chua. He had been sincerely invited me back there and also wish his junior here worshipping Christ in the same habitat with him. I'm sure I'll do him proud with the decision I made.
*Anyway, Jazlyn, I know you will certainly browse through my blog, just want to make sure that I didn't leave your church because of you, so hope you don't have the idea that once we break up already, I immediately left your church. Moreover, I have explain this to Louis, Cher yee, Paul, Gary they all already so you need not have to explain. But still, you are one of my good friends, so ring me up if you wish to meet up for a cup of coffee yeah? Cheers. :D
Sigh, next month must pay a lot of things already, pocket sure burn a big hole. Must pay road tax, season parking and petrol, think it's going to spend a few hundred for that.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
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Specially To.