Thursday, February 28, 2008
~ 3:54 AM ~
The end of the world in 21st December 2012? I found it at, I'm not certain whether it is true or not but it largely concern of Christian belief which involve apocalypse. They provide lot of source in it, read more to find out.
I've been in rotten luck this year for a couple of times, I was being fine $120 and awarded 3 demerit points for stopping at a single zig zag line just because I want to withdraw some cash from the nearby POSB bank just opposite the road where I stop at Yishun Central, I tried to appeal but failed.
Then, I take part in a short film competition organised by fables, storyboard 2008 that building just opposite Cineleisure. I try my luck to win, I know it's not possible to be in top 3 as I'm working alone but at least a shortlisted in top 20 films to win $200 cash.
After ord, I intend to return to Lasalle to study films and I have my portfolio ready, this time I'll try my best to qualify into second year diploma in school of film and after so many failure, I try not to invest too much hope. Still, I have other option in mind, I'll look for jobs if really not fated to study there. Alas! I keen to be a film maker.
Life is so unpredictable, human just come and go anytime and never expected it would happen. I got a couple of friends who passed away since 2005 which includes my grandfather. And I wouldn't be surprise if it happen to me one day since I'm taking a risk in riding a motorcycle as it has the highest accident rate on earth. I have mentally prepare that it would occur to me, I tried not to retaliate to those who offend me because I do not wish to have any regrets.
Monday, February 25, 2008
~ 1:46 AM ~
These are my bike equipment which I wore them during my journey, on the far right is the full face helmet which I wore it everytime when I ride my bike and it has been with me for 2 years ever since alex gave it to me and it's only available in thailand.
On the far left is for my pillon given to me on my 21st birthday by Jonathan Chua, many had comment of the helmet is very nice and some even say "fierce". The jacket in the middle I wore it only during rainning days and it is waterproof, lastly, the rip curl cap in between the 2 helmet I wore it when I wasn't riding my bike.

Above picture is my favourite game "Devil May Cry 3", his name is Dante(right) and his brother Vergil, the game is fun and cool as you get to do many style of fighting and equip different kind of weapon when you get bored using the same old want. Not only using a sword, you use guns such as shotgun, double magnum etc..
Below is the action figure which I bought it at Orchard Cineleisure.
That's about it! more picture is coming your way soon. Stay tune!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
~ 3:54 PM ~
Last night, I went to watch "Ah Long Pte Ltd" with wendy at Orchard Cineleisure, the show was below average due to some lame jokes they create but there is one scene that really got me thinking which one of the actor in the show says, "before God entrust you into a mission, He want to test your endurance to determine how strong you are" it truly recall back the days when I was being confine in camp for riding a bike and ultimately being charge. Well, maybe God has something for me but I had already failed Him.
Faster ORD, 2 more freaking weeks....there are things which I wanted to do so much such as dye my hair, put new tattoos and learn driving. Come on, I can't wait till I get my pink IC.
There is something which I wanted to blog, pour out the burden which kept inside my heart for long...
Dear Jazlyn Chew (my ex) or friends of her,
You see, you dump me exactly on the day I went for overseas training to Taiwan for a month and left me to rot at one corner without anyone to heal my wounds and shelther me, I was alone all the way to battle the disaster and overcome the depression which you injured me. I was totally no mood for anything, can't concentrate on training, can't sleep well at night and feel like retaliate when my commander is punish me. I can't find time to talk to anybody as the time constraint in training, you got to fall in, got to wake up early and meet the timing.
Every day I countdown the days to return to S'pore so I can beg you for a second chance to patch up with me but you stubbornly refuse because there is people pleasing you and you feel proud of it.
For this you treated me, I want to say that we are no longer friends and if I ever see you in the street, you are just a transparent to me and you are a Christian, I begin to hate every single Christian just because of you. You brought me to Church and you left me alone at one corner sticking with people who I do not know and you go to your friends talking and laughing throughout the entire session. I don't feel welcome by your churchmates because they don't make the first move by approaching me, imagine you attend your girlfriend best friend birthday party and everyone around you is a stranger and how would you feel when she throw you at one side while she attend to her friend. The feeling simply sucks hard.
I don't hate Jesus but I hate HIS PEOPLE....
Saturday, February 16, 2008
~ 7:34 PM ~
Movies have been my passion for many years, I visit the cinema regularly to catch some action pack or even horror films without fail. Inspired by many great show like "LORD OF THE RING", "THE LAST SAMURAI", and even recent "RAMBO 4" really encourage me to make a film something like that in the future.
~ 7:33 PM ~
My bike suit
This is how I dress when riding my bike, a full protected full face helmet, a smooth grip of the throttle with my gloves.
~ 10:16 AM ~
On the 2nd day of CNY, wendy and myself went to Cineleisure, we wanted to catch either one of the 3 popular Asian Movies such as "CJ7", "Ah Long" & "Kungfu Dunk". We went there around 10pm and can you imagine all the 3 Movies were fully booked till 3am? As almost all the shop were closed due to CNY period, the shopping centre were like a ghost town except for the cinema itself. After disappointing trip, we decided to spin the wind instead.
Last night, I went to old upper thomson road with wendy as I wanted to know where exactly is the most famous formerly known as the racing track which killed a lot of people. When I went in there were 2 direction, on my left is lower pierce reservoir and my right is upper pierce reservoir. I decided to go left first, the road was short and were surrounded by bungalow so it wasn't unusal anyway. Then comes the most scarely part, I went to the right, there road was extremely long and were very quiet. The bend isn't very sharp, just control within your speed limit and you'll be safe, the road shoulder has nothing to cover you, once you lost balance it'll end up going down the deep slope below. There were 2 cars behind me and when I exit the long road, it leads me into a major road where the expressway is straight ahead. I decided to go another round as I wanted to find where exactly my friend "David Li" died, I wanted to look for the sign board which reads, "Fatal accident occur this day, this time etc..."
As I was travelling, my heart beat as fast as I was running 2.4km and felt something strange like someone is either following me or watching me. I remain calm and take it nothing has happen.
When I left old upper thomson road, wendy whisper into my ear, she said she saw some white figure in dark skin which I believe it was a Indian. She then look on my rear mirror whether is it following us, she say, "I don't know."
Thursday, February 07, 2008
~ 5:20 PM ~
I really have no idea on why am I so unlucky to have guard duty on New Year Eve and last Christmas Eve. Out of so many Chinese in my camp, I'm the *lucky want? Woo girl or strike 4D also not so *lucky but when comes to duty, I'm extremely *lucky.
Recently I received a state of prank messages in my tagboard saying "Chris Jericho is sexy, cool and handsome, I love Chris Jericho bla bla bla.."
It might be one of my friend and I just want to say, It doesn't affect me at all and I don't even bother about you. Anyway, mouth is yours, go ahead and bark whenever you want yeah? Cheers :D.
Friday, February 01, 2008
~ 8:59 AM ~
In loving memory of David Li,
Didi, I still regard you as my little brother who I dote a lot, I don't know you are involve in an accident a few days ago until Bryce inform me and nobody is to blame for your death.
If you could remember clearly which I always called you "Gimli" in the Lord of the rings movies and I called myself as "Legolas"? I kept repeatly tell you that orcs is up ahead and we have to kill them. Do you still remember it david?
Next, we always played Warcraft III, CS and basketball together back in 2001, 2002. You are one of the professional gamer in our FF clan and get top frag most of the time.
What you always love and do most of the time is your chinese orchestra, you even invited me to your school concert in 2004, although the ticket was a little expensive, it was $12 if I'm not wrong. I even saw you on stage.
I'm sorry david, I know we hardly contact each other ever since I was enlisted into army but I know you have a great time with your new friend in poly. I even borrow your Master Q comics book and still haven't return.
I visited your place today with a group of your close buddies, I almost burst into tears when I see your parents place your favourite jacket and pants on your computer chairs, they even switch on your laptop and place your favourite char siew rice and green tea on your table as to assume you would return to consume them. Your parents told you that we've come to visit you on your photograph. It was saddening.
Rest In Peace