Sunday, May 31, 2009
~ 7:31 PM ~
I've finish my last fight scene with R.E.M after waited for more than 3 months, I'm happy with that but I'll truly miss the fun, I got only 3 conti shoot and I enjoy it to the max. I appreciate my friends who also take part in this project and they do their part by placing their trust on me to indicate the time & venue for them and they arrive at the scene as instructed.
They are;
Reginald as Reporter
John Sim as Assassin
Joseph as Police Officer
Nico as Police Officer
Mervin as Police Officer
Galvin as Police Officer
It'll broadcast on channel okto, every tuesday at 8pm.
Time flies quickly, it's already June holidays which means half a year has gone. Bitter and sweet moments I have gone through since the start of this year, got a job at Mount Alvernia Hospital and also doing part time filming for the company corporate video, made many new friends, reunited with my lost good brothers.
Grandmother passed away...Sigh!
So what's gonna happen for the next half a year...
Let's be strong and live till we find out.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
~ 12:25 AM ~
Two days ago, I went to the channel 5 audition held at mediacorp, I waited at the reception there and listening to my mp3 while I watch all the four TV which is joined together, each TV show a different channel and my eyes kept rolling left, right, centre.
After that a lady came and call for us, she mark the attendance and immediately we were led to a huge container like those ship ferrying the goods transporting to sell to other countries. We were sitting down there and issue a script to roughly had a idea on how's going on later. There were 4 of us all together but we don't know one another so we kept to ourself throughout the entire session, then 1 by 1 we were dispatch and again led inside a quiet room, there was this young attractive lady attending to me, she issue me a application form and ask me to filled up all my particular and I did as instruct, quickly she ask am I ready to act? I was quite nervous at that time and without wasting any time I quickly catch my breath and nod my head.
Whilst filling up the application form half way through, a noise coming out from the wardrobe screaming, "help! help! I'm stuck" I immediately ran to rescue but I found no one inside and what comes to my mind is some voice recording devices that kept there, I ignore it and return to my seat. Then it suddenly appear 1 middle age woman and I got surprise, I keep on staring at her while she walk pass to the exit door.
Moments later, she return and hid inside the wardrobe again, I wasn't paying attention and continue to fill up my form, and there she scream the same old thing again, this time I get out from my chair and tries to open it but she kept on holding on to the door, there was a struggle and suddenly that middle age looking woman who I mention earlier on appeared behind my back, I got shocked and stun for a second, the door which I was struggle to break free then appear that attractive young lady.
In the end, both of them show me where the camera is being placed and told me that it was a new series of a comedy show, 'Just for laugh'.
Everything ended an hour later, I catch up with JJ, Adeline & Charles at bpp mac, still the same old problems again, having the hard time seeking that location and direction is still quite lost.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
~ 11:07 AM ~
I've working at sentosa slightly more than a week and you get to interact and communicate with all kind of people around the world.
This job I'm working attracts many tourist as fun and entertainment for them when they are here in Singapore, I can say Singapore government did a excellent job by building it very well and attract tons of people from many countries.
I was send to this station quite often whereby I get to teach people on how to ride a luge, it's like a wooden plank attached with a wheels going down a slope by controlling the steering.
There were many people from many countries came to take this ride and staff like us got to teach and coordinate with them, I can say that people from Europe, North America or the other part of the world was a very smart people and we chinese name them as 'Ang Moh'. They are fast and a quick learner, they pay attention all the times and listen carefully and execute it smoothly, Caucasians especially, they are extremely friendly and equip with a smile wherever they go and lastly say with a big thank you after you have taught them. It's like you felt so appreciated and that brighten my days, no wonder why Singapore girls fell for them easily. I'm saying this not because I think highly of them is because I'm stating the fact, I couldn't find any chance to criticize them, it's like they are born to be perfect. I cannot explain so clearly also, wait till you socialize with more Caucasians people then you can differiate between Heaven and Earth.
And as for the Asian, they aren't as fast as the others, there are some country people which is slow, stubborn and annoying to the max which I shall not spell it out. I got to repeat myself at least thrice or slightly more so that they understand, we asian cannot understand each other and I wonder why Caucasians can understood my teaching so well.
Then Caucasian people is very open minded and don't even bother about a minor thing such as there was this skyride up to like about as high as the Singtel building, it can only ferry maximum 3 people as it cannot support too much weight. There was this Caucasian family of 4 so I've told them that I'm going to divide you into 2 by 2 and they agrees with a smile, how sweet! And for the Asian, I'm telling them the same thing as I told the Caucasian, you know how they respond? They respond with a frown on their eyebrown and kept repeatly asked why cannot? how come? why and why? Oh my god!!!
I was like *Smack forehead.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
~ 9:06 PM ~
When I take out my mp3 player to listen to FM, there a few songs that pleases to my ear, I tried searching in on net and finally I found it on this website which provides me with all the songs I want and I'm quite excited with that. In case if anyone happen to search for a mp3 website...
Here it goes,
After getting involve with production for many months, I still prefer to act than to be on set. I'm a Infantryman during my 2 years in army and perhaps already got to use to it to follow instruction than to issue instruction. Why would I say that, I received a called from Mediacorp 2 days ago asking me to go for a mass audition next monday for Channel 5 shows. The funny things is they don't provide a script for us to read through and act. Hmmm, wonder what would that be.
The E-mail as shown,
Hi,As spoken on Tuesday, your audition will be scheduled on next Monday, 25th May 2009, at 5.30pm.
Meeting Venue: Mediacorp Reception area (You will be brought to the audition venue from there)
Dress Code: Casual (be yourself)
1. You have to bring along your NRIC or PassPort to exchange for visitor passes for entry into Mediacorp
2. There will be NO script prior to the audition
3. Your task will be given on the spot during the audition
4. Please be punctual
5. The audition will take approximately 30 mins max*
I apologise to those who called me yesterday with regards to the audition as I am out on a shoot. However I will most likely be in office today to answer queries if you have any.
Best Regards
JDInternEntertainment Productions (Ch5)
MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte LtdCaldecott Broadcast Centre
Andrew Road Singapore 299939
Sunday, May 10, 2009
~ 11:39 AM ~
I had a enjoyable weekend yesterday and today. Saturday night is my friend brother birthday and he organise a chalet at Costa Sand Resorts, not much people at presence and we were just chatting and bonding, some were just watching television, it's pretty nothing much to do unless someone who is humorous and courageous enough to host a games for everybody and tell some jokes to allow everyone to enjoy the conversation. Hmmm, actually I'm training myself to be either one.
Some brought their partner along with them, you see the world lies with a huge problem which is a relationship, I mean you get to see the envious of those who is single compare to those who is attached. You don't have to spell it out, you get to feel it and judge the expression of the victim or perhaps it might be yourself.
On Sunday night, I received a call from my friend 'Alex', he told me that his close friend wedding dinner and especially booked a table for about 7 - 8 people for him and he rang me up telling me to attend the dinner and I agreed. I only know Alex and no one else, it's kind of strange when you don't know any one and you'll just sat down there alone consuming the dishes coming along the way, Alex was busy attending to his other friend. I was just talking a few sentences to his friend like 'what you currently doing?' 'How old are you?' 'Where do you stay?' just a few common question which most people would normally ask.
After all, I felt I'm a relationship failure, I remember during my school days, I like this particular girl and I happen to know one of her friend but I haven't get the chance to talk to this particular girl yet. I ask her friend to be my messenger and she agrees, I want her to ask this particular girl whether is she interested in me? Within minutes she return with an answer saying 'I'm not her cup of tea.' Heart sank, failure! And after that, I master this verse and this linger in my mind till this day.
Then, I met up with this girl I know online, she's 2 years my junior, I ask her out and she immediately agrees, I bring her out for a ride and I dress nicely with a nice design T-shirt. She say I look cool with this T-shirt I wore and happily and comfortably I felt and I reply so does that mean you like me? She say no, I never like you before and I reply then why would you agrees immediately when I ask you out, she say because I'm a flirt.
I'm always too 'Tian Zhen'. Don't know how to explain in English, I always thought that I had a bike I can win many girls over but I was wrong. I thought girls would be impress if guys own a car/bike but never it came to a true. I thought girls would immediately say yes after a few rides of sending her home and allow her to taste the thrill of the wind and yet again I get a no. I believe love plays a major role in someone else life and you create the fate and await to happen and not let fate decide, this is bullshit.
When I was 16 years old, I begin interest in film making by watching many movies in the theatre, I thought to myself by 20+ I can become a director and yet again I was wrong.
And now I'm just a spirit who died from suicide roaming around the street...
Was lost...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
~ 5:15 AM ~
Today I went to Sentosa with Jonathan for a job interview, I own a transport for many years and many different type and various of places I been through majority they would allow any type of transport and ever I came across one ridiculous rules of their very own sentosa where they refuse the entry of my bike, I was like wtf! Quite furious with their *rules and I was forced to retreat to where I came from and parked by bike at St.James Power Station and took a cab there. I mean why would I have to take an extra mile just to get to my destination? It's damn ridiculous...
Crazy as it sounds..
Anyway, I was shortlisted by the manager there, he was from New Zealand and is causasian man, He English is quite fluent and had to pay extra attention just to catch his English. Actually I'm not very keen on that job as partly is the distance, I had to get my ass out of my bed at least 1 1/2 hour in advance, time taken to Sentosa Bus Interchange at 45 mins and wait for the bus and entry to Sentosa then don't know take what Red/Blue line bus inside Sentosa to my workplace, what time already sia? Anyway, just to gain a little experience there and made new friends.
Friday, May 01, 2009
~ 3:18 AM ~
Well, I've just adapt into a new sports and that's swimming, it's been quite some time since I went swimming at Yishun Safra with Jasper, I believe it has been more than a year and what I'll do is that I will just stay put at one corner enjoying the waves of water coming to my body and feel the sensation. And now it might be something different, I learn new skills from Jonathan and his friends, I tend to breathe in while inside the water and drank it as well perhaps I'm still not use to it, after all I did learn something, float in the water and swim only a few meters. I begin to feel the fun, they were about to leave the pool and I mean come on man it's only an hour or slightly more why is there to hurry to leave for that street fighter 4? Reluctantly I left...
After the swim, we went for our lunch at amk hub and unfortunately, as it was due to a public holiday there were packed with many people and it's rather difficult to find a spot to settle down for our lunch, from S11 to fastfood outlet and to finally a high class restaurant, we spotted an empty seat and there we go although the meal there is kinda costly but doesn't matter, there were a comfortable cushion.
I consume a buffalo chicken pizza and it taste awfully terrible to the max, the chicken taste rotten, it's somewhere at amk hub basement 1, well I guess it's rather not nice to spoil the name of the restaurant so I'm not gonna mention the name.
Name: Xandrew Liang
Baptise Name: Jimmy
D.O.B: 16th Nov 1986
Age: 28 years
Height: '5 ft 7'
Weight: ???
Horoscope: Scorpio
From: Sengkang, Singapore
Occupation: Freelance
Religion: Christian
Mood: I'm more to a angel than to a devil but at times it's a vice versa
Character: I never been late
Hobby: I enjoy playing games, watched late night movies and hunt for supper
Interest: Travelling, played a sports which involved a ball, watched Movies and acting
Vehicle: I rides a bike
E-mail: Jamesliang86@hotmail.com
Favourite quote: Assumption is the cause of a mother screw up!
"Veronica" "Cedric" "Jonathan" "Faith"
"Jasper" "Abigail" "Belinda"
"Gay" "Alex"
"Florence" "Vet" "Yufang" "Jean" "Yong Heng"
"Tammy" "Zack"
"Ming Yuan" "Alicia" "Moon"
My Excitement Journal
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Specially To.